Saturday, January 07, 2006

PHOTO: The sign says it all

Originally uploaded by eandjtrygg.
(By Erik)

Greetings from Early, Texas, where I've been reporting on the sendoff of a mission team to Bolivia from the Austin Avenue church in nearby Brownwood.

On my way here I spotted this church sign in the small town of Dublin, Texas, and took a picture. West Texas, like Oklahoma, is extremely dry and under a severe fire risk warning. All the lakes and ponds I passed are turning into mud puddles.

And, as you can see, there's not a cloud in the sky.

Cllick on the photo to see a larger version


Mgam said...

Great pic. I echo that thought. We sure need it around here too. Can you call Gary England and get him to send some our way?

Stacey said...

Not really related to your post, but I noticed you were in Dublin, Texas. What is it with Texas naming their towns after European cities? Most of heard of Paris, Texas and I met a guy at church yesterday from Italy, Texas. What in world?

ann said...

Dublin, Texas, what memories. I grew up 10 miles down the road in Stephenville. Dublin makes great Dr. Pepper.

We need a new post! :)