Friday, March 30, 2007

At last! The a cappella version of the theme to Law & Order

We’ve just posted a story on the Chronicle’s Web site about the Church of Christ roots of Fred Thompson, a possible candidate for the 2008 presidential election and one of the stars of Law & Order. We get a lot of “celebrity” questions along these lines (I’m still trying to track down whether or not “Weird Al” Yankovic is a member) so hopefully, this will answer some questions.

Mark Elrod has posted a funny blog entry on the subject of Thompson’s connections to our fine fellowship. He’s offering rewards for Fred Thompson sightings at Churches of Christ.

Make sure to read the comments. One respondent asked if there was an a cappella version of the theme to Law & Order.

Funny you should ask. I’ve taken the liberty of writing one. Ahem (clearing throat) …

The a cappella version of the Law & Order theme:

Law-aw-aw and Order!
Law-aw-aw and Order!
Well-ell-ell first you get Law
And then you get Order
And, this show ain’t quite as good
as when Jerry Orbach was alive
But at least Fred Thompson is the D.A.
Law-aw-aw and Order!
Created by …. Di-ick Wolf

As long as we’re on the subject, here’s the a cappella version of the theme to The West Wing.

The Wes-est Wing
It is west of the east wing
It is not the north or so-ow-outh wing
It’s not even the southwest wing
It, is in the White House
Which isn’t west of much else in the U.S.A.
The West Wing is on … (TV)


Karen said...

Erik, you're hilarious. Now you need to post a YouTube video so we can actually hear the songs.

Raul and Kim Solis said...

I believe Weird Al is a member. A good friend of mine who went to Pepperdine said he often attended the Hollywood church, I think. Can you imagine how cool it would be to see brother Al (or would it be "brother Weird") leading singing on Sunday morning? Who is the person mentioned in the Thompson blog from the Hunt for Red October who is a member of the church?

EandJTrygg said...


Yes indeed, I need to check into the "Weird Al" angle. He's a childhood hero of mine, what can I say?

Thompson himself had a small part in "Hunt for Red October." I think that's what the person on the other blog is talking about.


charlie said...

I heard Weird Al is actually a deacon in his congregation.

Paula Harrington said...

Love the Law and Order theme song!

ann said...

Erik's my hero! :)

Phil said...

I hope when he becomes president that he'll address such issues as the influence of liberals (in the church) and instrumental music (during Hail to the Chief).


That is too funny. Thanks for making me smile on a "Monday."


Stacey said...

I so want to see him run for President. I'm not a fan of any of the other potential canidates.

Anonymous said...

Yup. Al is a member. I sat next to him during communion.
He and his wife and daughter are active members there.

One popular rumor: He often leads singing of Hymn-parodies. I've yet to see that...