Saturday, November 10, 2007

I'd like to know where you got the Knowshon ...

(By Erik)

It's another busy press weekend, but I'd like to take just a second to say GO DAWGS!

The Bulldogs gave a pounding to Auburn today — a 45-20 victory. A big part of that was redshirt freshman Knowshon Moreno, who had another 100-yard game.

The Bulldogs also donned black jerseys for the first time in the modern era. Luckily, I had a black Georgia ball cap for the occasion.

Here's a photo of us taken Sunday afternoon (by pointing a camera at a mirror and flipping the image in PhotoShop). Yes, this also is the long-awaited, real-live pregnant picture.


Paul said...

What a painful loss here in Alabama. We'll get you next year.

EandJTrygg said...


Hmmm ... didn't I hear you Auburn fans saying that last year?

Just kidding!

-- Erik

Karen said...

It's been posted for 9 days and I missed it!! My Google Reader did not find this post! Yay pregnant Jeanie!