It’s not that unusual
When everything is beautiful.
It’s just another ordinary miracle today.

The sky knows when its time to snow,
Don’t need to teach a seed to grow.
It’s just another ordinary miracle today.

Life is like a gift they say
Wrapped up for you everyday;
Open up and find a way
To give some of your own.

Isn’t it remarkable?
Like every time a rain drop falls,
It’s just another ordinary miracle today.

It seems so exceptional
That things just work out after all.
It’s just another ordinary miracle today.
-- Lyrics from "Ordinary Miracle" by Sarah McLachlan
I can't believe how big she has gotten in just over a month! My favorite is making up captions for my Facebook album of Maggie pics! Hehe!
I love the photo with her hand open. She's just about to grab that gotee.
And I'm impressed with ya'll imitating her facial expressions. That is exactly what a speech therapist would tell you to do to teach her imitation, which is so important for language development. Sure seems like one of you knows something about childhood development!
She really is just so precious and perfect! Looks like nursing agrees with her -- great cheeks! I've been so involved in our own "drama" that I haven't had time to check your blog and give my "internet congrats." So CONGRATS!!!! I got to see her in the nursing mom's room her first day at church, and she looked so adorable in that outfit. I had no idea her mommy had worn it too! Pretty neat. Also, that tight "oooh!" mouth we call "Cheerio mouth." It's one of my favorite baby expressions. Enjoy it to the fullest. You won't believe what happens to the time. Then you'll have two and REALLY wonder what happened! And tell Jeannie I said sleep, and forget as much as possible around the house. :-) Congrats again, we're all very happy for you guys.
I think the last picture with Jeanie is my favorite!
She is soooo gorgeous!!! Keep the photos coming!!!
A perfect, perfect little angel. Congratulations! Hoping you are getting all the sleep you need, settling into a routine and all. Thankful for your blessing. E
What a beautiful little girl.
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