Wednesday, July 19, 2006

PHOTO: Karen and Scott's wedding

(By Erik and Jeanie)

We're just getting around to posting photos from the wedding of our good friend Karen Reynolds (now Karen Cuellar) from a couple of weeks ago. It was at the Westover Hills Church of Christ in Austin, Texas. The Flickr site is down right now, so we're trying a different way of posting the photo.

In this shot, Karen and her bridesmaids (pictured are Jeanie and Karen's sister, Becca) are looking at a video monitor showing a bunch of pictures of Karen and Scott when they were kids. The flower girl, Karen's niece Emily, was very cute but somewhat unimpressed by the slide show.

1 comment:

EandJTrygg said...

Everybody click on Brian's name and read his "about me" quote. Bonus points if you know what movie it's from. -- Erik