Saturday, June 23, 2007

Episode IV: Return of the Jones

(By Erik)

If you’re tired of looking at photos I’ve taken, here’s one by Tryggbløg guest photographer Steven Spielberg. Steven’s trying to promote this little film he’s got coming out next summer, so I thought I’d give him a hand.

The movie doesn’t even have a title yet. So far they’re just calling it Indiana Jones 4.

As you can see, Harrison Ford is decked out in the classic fedora and khakis of Indiana Jones — for the first time in about 18 years. Ford, who turns 65 on July 13, is reprising his role as Indiana Jones one more time. George Lucas is the executive producer.

I really have mixed feelings about this, because this film could go either way. I’m hoping it will be a fun, action-packed adventure worthy of the franchise. After what Lucas did with the Star Wars prequels, though, I have my misgivings. (Revenge of the Sith has many great moments, but on the whole the prequels just weren’t as good as the original trilogy — Episodes 4, 5 and 6) But if Spielberg’s directing, that’s a plus.

Harrison Ford is one of my favorite actors, of course. He’s never won an Oscar, in my opinion, because they don’t have a category for what he does best — great facial expressions in the middle of action sequences. And generally looking cool.

The actor himself reminds me a little bit of my dad. Have you ever seen Harrison Ford do a TV interview? He’s very quiet and dry. Doesn’t say too much more than he has to. Pauses a lot while he’s speaking. You can see Leno and Letterman really struggling to get him to open up. But you can tell he’s got this quasi-mischievous side underneath. Dad’s kinda’ like that. (Luckily, though, dad isn’t currently dating Calista Flockhart. That would just be weird.)

Back in the early 1980s, Indiana Jones made kids across the country believe that archaeology was the most exciting profession in the world. (I decided early on it was far too dangerous for me. Too great a chance of having my face melt — or having my still-beating heart yanked out by a Hindu mystic madman — or Sean Connery hitting me over the head with a vase.)

Indiana Jones has made a sizeable impact on my wardrobe, however. I am Mr. Khaki when I travel. (And whenever I fly internationally, it’s hard not to think about the red line and dots on a brown map that showed the audience where Indy was headed next.)

And yes, I actually have a fedora in my closet.


Anonymous said...

I too have mixed feelings about a 4th -- we'll see what happens! I REALLY wanted to be an archaeologist as a kid -- until Mom told me what they REALLY do. Sounded dreadful. And I love that you see the map and red dots in your head on travel! I do too, actually. Although I'm not NEARLY as well- traveled as you!
And to answer your comment on my blog (which I just noticed today -- sorry!) yeah... The child actually quoted scripture in his prayer that night. Those were the only Bible verses he'd learned at that point; and I guess they were on his mind. He's up to 7 verses now, but he's not done that again. Good to "find" your blog! I'll have to check in once in a while.

Kenneth & Victoria said...

Finally, I find your blog. Looks like I've got some reading to do in order to catch up with your life. Thanks to Amy for putting you as a friend link.

Kenneth Kirby

PS--I personally can't wait for the next episode of Baboon Fiction.

EandJTrygg said...


Great to hear from you! I'd send you an e-mail but I don't think I have your current address. And I'm glad you found the blog, Catherine. Ethan's a smart kid!

-- Erik