Thursday, August 30, 2007

Just kickin' back in the womb

(By Erik)

Little Josephina refused to go to sleep and was busily kicking her mother just around midnight. (As a guy, I’m absolutely fascinated by the prospect of being kicked from the inside. Crazy.)

I gave her a good talking to, but Jeanie said my insistence that she settle down was not heeded.

I’m guessing this is the beginning of many years of her not listening to me.


Amy said...

She's probably just ticked you told everyone she was a boy.

EandJTrygg said...

Yeah, it must be tough being mistaken for a boy — having to wear hand-me-down jammies from your brother that have little fire engines on them, despite your mother's claims that "they can be for girls OR for boys." What's that like? -- ET

Amy said...

Being forced to cross-dress as a toddler (if only for sleep) is pretty emotionally scarring. And I think for young girl Tryggestad, seeing a photo of herself labeled "alleged thingy" would be pretty traumatic. But you probably have a while before she learns to read. I'm sure you can put a good spin on it by then.