Thursday, January 17, 2008

Because you demanded it — more Maggie photos

Having some technical issues. More coming, I promise! -- ET

Stay at Mercy Hospital, get a free pink hat (patient must provide own baby girl).

Bailey stopped by before his classes at OC.

Joyce stopped by with Dr. Beth Walker after lunch.

Here's Maggie with grandpa and grandma Tryggestad


Amy said...

She is stylin' in that hat. Thanks for the photos. I wish I could be there right now to hold her.

Anonymous said...


Karen said...

So cute E & J. Congrats on a great addition to your family! I'm so happy for you guys :-)

Eileen said...

Oh wonderful and con-grat-u-la-tions. One question, if I may: You mentioned *technical issues...and more coming* referring to...more offspring? ;)


ann said...

Precious!!! I love baby Maggie!

EandJTrygg said...


The "technical issues" involve trying to download photos while holding a newborn.

As to "more coming" referring to more photos or more offspring, the answer is yes (one coming much sooner than the other).