Thursday, January 24, 2008

More visitors, bath time, nap time ... and purple mouth

(By Erik)

OK, that last one is misleading because I don't have any photos of Maggie's newly-purple mouth. We went to the pediatrician today and he recommended a treatment to get rid of Maggie's thrush (yeast inside her mouth). Unfortunately, the treatment involves brushing her tongue and the inside of her cheeks with a violet-colored dye. We're hoping it will dissipate before her baby shower this coming Sunday.

I've been unable to get any photos of little miss purple mouth yet, but will post them if/when I do.

Meanwhile, here's a few new photos from the past few days.

Jeanie's friends from Wichita Falls came up for a visit. Here are their two girls (Sidney and Mary) admiring Maggie.

The Rosses stopped by for a visit and (shortly after this photo was taken) Tamie was able to get Maggie to stop crying — by taking her to look out one of our windows. Thank you veteran mother of three! We're in awe!

Here's Maggie at bathtime. She's not a big fan, but she seems enamored with the Pooh and Tigger cup dispenser — especially Tigger. Distracting baby girls at bath time is what Tiggers do best, it seems.

Keeping Maggie warm so she can get some rest has been a challenge with outside temperatures dropping into the low teens recently. Looks like I make a pretty good heating pad.


Lisa said...

So sweet! Love the "sleeping on Daddy" pics! Looks like ya'll are having fun! Looking forward to the baby shower Sunday!

Kristi said...

Brooks had thrush and I hated the violet meds. I got Nystatin instead and it worked great... Maggie is just beautiful, by the way...

Anonymous said...

My scary, post-deadline look obviously scared the poor girl in that photo! Hope Maggie's thrush goes away quickly (and that Jeanie doesn't develop problems from it.)